Monday, December 5, 2011

What is She Thinking???

{So a change has been on my mind for a while now.}
I want to know what you parents would think about extending our preschool day by 1/2 hour... So we would start at 9:15 and end at 11:45, making it a 2 1/2 preschool day. I would also consider 9:30 - 12, for our little morning snoozers (sadly, my little ones do not qualify for the latter as they continue to torment me with their 5:30 and 6 a.m. wake up screeches! Gotta love it!).
Let me explain a bit more: I have felt for a while that I'm having to hurry the kids along most of the time to complete all that we need to get done in school - so a simple stretch of the time would allow me to teach and work with each child and also allow the children to settle in and not be rushed for time.
~We would begin the new schedule in January (if everyone feels good about it).
~There would be no extra cost each month as I would not be planning anything more, just stretching the length of each activity.

What do you think?

Please, comment here or to me in person. I'm anxious to hear what your thoughts or concerns are.
Thanks for considering!


  1. I think it would be great. Either schedule would work just fine for us. Thanks again for all you do!

  2. Sounds good to me. And you know us...later is always better in our house! ;)

  3. you're a brave woman. Either time is fine with me.
