Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome to Preschool!

It's going to be a great year! I'm excited to take the opportunity to know each child, to assist in their learning, and to watch them grow. I hope they are as excited as I am about being here.
At the Open House you received a lot of papers and information. Please work to complete and turn in the following:
*The waiver needs to be signed by both parents and turned in on the first day (in order for your child to participate in preschool).
*Star Studentpacket should be completed and turned in as soon as possible. We will need this information before the date chosen to introduce your child.
*Tuition is due before the the first day of school.
*Book Orders are due on September 8th. This is a wonderful way to add to your home library.

If you didn't have a chance to sign up for Star Student and for Mystery Reader, we will have these sign ups ready on the first day of school.

I am so thrilled with the group of children I have coming this year. It's going to be so much fun. I'm excited to watch them grow!
