~ Worked on forming our names (first AND last) correctly.
~ Enjoyed centers (while Mrs. Jen worked with and tested children - got 1/2 way done with first term testing - looking good -the children are so smart... and funny!)
~ Learned about Kye (our Star of the Week) and worked with his name.
~ Began learning a Halloween song
~ Read Mouse Paint
~ Discussed Colors (our theme)
~ Had a special surprise... SURPRISE PLAY DOUGH! It was play dough with no color and as the children worked with it, it changed to a color. We discussed what color each child got. The children we SOOO excited about this... please encourage them to play with it at home as it will work their little muscles (store in plastic bag or airtight container).
~ had a COLORFUL snack that we had to name before eating (fruit snacks).
~ ran and played outside.
~ Learned about the letter Dd.
~ Played our October Learning Game. We called it, "Dancing Caterpillar". The children LOVED it! Dancing and moving, then freezing when the music stopped. Picking up the letter closest to their feet, saying the letter to me, and forming a caterpillar body with that letter - what a fun way to close the day!
Looking Forward: Thursday Field Trip!
**If it's raining or snowing on Thursday, it will be a regular day here, and we will reschedule for next Thursday (The Country Farm has been wonderful to work with).
** We will have show-n-tell first thing so Kye gets to share his SPECIAL item.
** Please read the note home about the field trip - any questions, please call!
Thank you for letting me know if you are coming or not, you make this all so easy!
Have a great one!!!
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