Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What Happened Today...

Today was tricky - it was our make up field trip to the orchard, but no orchard could be found- all the apples are gone. So we went another way: we had a pumpkin mystery! At the park we spread out pumpkins with a letter of the alphabet written on each one. We had a scavenger hunt (sans clues) to find the pumpkins then had to put them in alphabetical order. For a prize they earned a bag of candy pumpkins (sorry about the candy - not often - but just had to). Also, today we: - worked with bendy sticks - enjoyed centers (lots of reading in the tree/play house today) - listened to a Halloween song choice - the children are going to choose the song we sing to you on Halloween - read "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" - made shape apple trees -enjoyed snack time -played outside -ended the day at the park Thank you for a fun day with these children. See you tomorrow!

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